Crews available for wildfire suppression
Firestorm offers wildland firefighting crew services during wildland fire emergencies. Wildland is an area in which development is basically non-existent except for roads, railroads, powerlines, or similar infrastructure facilities. If there are any structures they are wildly scattered.
A wildland fire is any non-structure fire that occurs in vegetation or natural fuels. Wildland fire technically includes prescribed fire and wildfire. Wildland fires can be dangerous because many occur near the Wildland urban interface or WUI. That is the area or zone where structures and other human development intermingle with wildland or vegetative fuels. WUI describes an area within or adjacent to private and public property where mitigation actions can prevent damage or loss from wildfire.
Firestorm Enterprises Ltd. offers the following Wildland fire crew services:
220 each wildland firefighters (type 1 & 2 trained / certified)
All 5 person crews arrive equipped with new:
*2-piece PPE clothing w/company identified logo
*2 each VHF programmable radios
*5 each Hand tools
*5 each Fireline pack
*2 each Pump cans
*2 each Drip torch
*1 each GPS
*1 each Compass
*1 each chainsaw kit / helicopterable bag
*1 each Level 1 FA kit
*1 each Danger tree assessor w/paperwork
*1 each 4x4 crew cab truck new condition
*Food & water to sustain first 24 hours
Many crew members previously worked for the BC Forest Service / Ministry of Forests in British Columbia in positions of Initial Attack, Unit Crew or Fire Warden members.

Other Services
Prescribed fire
Prescribed fire is an intentionally ignited and controlled burn. Prescribed burning benefits natural resources and reduces the risk of unwanted wildfires. It also helps to control and minimize wildfire damage. Firestorm’s trained and certified team members provide a variety of prescribed fire services.
Structured Protection
Firestorm helps communities create a defensible space to protect homes, properties, and infrastructure from wildfire with their Structure Protection services. Specially trained Structure Protection crews utilize the latest SPU Equipment and knowledge to defend structures against the threat of wildfire.

Equipment Rentals
Firestorm is proud to offer equipment rentals for short term use. Firestorm has a large inventory of available equipment to assist you and meet your needs. Whether you need a Sprinkler Trailer or Burn Torch, we have the equipment for you.