#BT808 Buckmaster Torch - 45 Gallon
This unit is utilized for:
1) prescribed fire,
2) pile burning or
3) burn off operations.
Buckmaster Mark III Ground Torch - a portable fire torch using gelled fuel:
The Buckmaster Mark III Ground Torch can be carried in a pickup or behind an ATV. The torch is very portable and provides an inexpensive alternative to the heli torch.
The torch is designed as a portable gelled fuel ignition system for ground use. It is especially suited for disposal of roadside debris, windrows, landing piles and fuel modification where vehicle access is available.
The torch is safe to use, economical, lightweight, compact and is easily transportable. It is suitable for use from the back of a pickup, skidder, ATV or trailer.
The Ground Torch has proven it's durability and reliability in Canada over the last ten years. Each unit is fully equipped and comes ready for use. The Buckmaster Torch is available with propane or electronic ignition.
An ATV trailer specifically designed for use with the BUCKMASTER MARK III GROUND TORCH is also available.
4 H.P. Honda Oil Alert Motor
9 Viking Fuel Pump
45 Imp. Gallon Mixing Drum c/w Internal Aluminum Mixing Paddle
25 ft. Heavy Duty Hose and Pressure Wand
ATV Trailer (optional)
Electronic or Propane Ignition System
45 Gallon Drum
Used in conjunction w/ gelling agnets:
Flash 21, Part A / Part B
Sticks to fuels similar to Napalm