Protecting BC from Wildfire since 2004 | Firestorm offers structure protection services and training to protect your community from wildfire
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BRIAN MINISTRY OF FORESTSWe found Bob and the crew to be very professional and they fulfilled all job requirements well. Structures along the Charlotte Lake Chain and Crazy Bear Lake survived as a direct result of their work. In my capacity as Incident Commander I had daily contact with Bob and always found that to be a positive experience.
TED BOCHAN (STRUCTURE BRANCH DIRECTOR) OFFICE OF THE FIRE COMMISSIONER - BRITISH COLUMBIABob has worked on several projects under my supervision while working for the Office of the Fire Commissioner in British Columbia. His knowledge of firefighting equipment and fireline operations provided excellent quality work at all times.
FIRE CHIEF RENE BLANLEIL (KELOWNA FIRE DEPARTMENT)Bob Swart was sent as a structure protection resource to the Kelowna Fire Department during the 2003 Firestorm. He quickly demonstrated and shared his experience in past events - to aid and enable us in deployment of structural firefighting crews for suppression and structure protection during the Firestorm event.